Homemade Eco-Friendly Mouthwash Solution: Eco-Hack #002

Homemade Eco-Friendly Mouthwash Solution: Eco-Hack #002
Homemade mouthwash in a repurposed glass bottle.

If you’re like me, your mouth is hypersensitive to certain hygiene products. Trying to find items that don’t burn your mouth and make your eyes water can be a challenge.

You’re also like me if you want to reduce your personal plastic intake as a consumer.

So, let’s meet at the middle of this dental hygiene catastrophe and let me introduce you to homemade mouthwash!

The recipe is super simple, and you can adjust the ingredients according to what you want to taste, so it’s a win for everyone!

Here’s the recipe I use, feel free to taste and adjust ingredients as needed:

Homemade Simple Eco-Friendly Mouthwash Solution:

  • 2 Cups Distilled Water
  • 2 Tablespoons Baking Soda
  • 3 Tablespoons Xylitol (or other natural sweeteners)
  • 10 Drops Peppermint Essential Oil
  • 10 Drops Tea Tree Essential Oil

Remember: Swish and Spit, DO NOT SWALLOW!

Not all essential oils are meant for oral consumption, so please, do not swallow this mixture and spit it out instead!

Also, shake before each use! Remember, oils and water don’t mix. Don’t accidentally take a mouth full of essential oils!

Why Switch to Homemade?

It may be cheaper, it may be easier, it may be what you’ve always done, but none of those are valid excuses to why you refuse to switch over and try this method instead!

Instead of not-knowing what you are putting in your mouth, you can create this simple mixture and know exactly what, and who made it!

Baking soda helps to fight bacteria, bad breath, and all of those places you can’t reach while brushing.

Xylitol & Tea Tree oil inhibits the growth of bad bacteria in your mouth, and promotes good bacteria growth.

Peppermint oil can help with inflamed gums and to stifle bad breath.

and finally,

Reducing your plastic consumption can keep your bins emptier and the world free of one less empty plastic bottle!

I’ve been using this mouthwash for a few weeks now, although it is something to get used to, and the baking soda fizzes everytime you shake it, I do really like it!

It leaves that stinging freshness lingering in your mouth, just enough that it doesn’t burn.

I hope you are now convinced to try this super simple recipe! Please leave a comment down below to leave your opinions or other variations of this recipe for us to read!

And thanks again for being an outstanding human being, protector of our lovely Mother Nature. Much love and wishes of taking care of yourself have been sent your way. -Kaitlyn ❤️

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