How to Use Communication to Boost Your Reselling Success

How to Use Communication to Boost Your Reselling Success
Photo by Anastasiya Gepp from Pexels

As someone trying to persuade others to buy your product, being able to communicate with everyone you come in-contact with is such a critical tool that you need to use.⁣

Photo by Anastasiya Gepp from Pexels

Whether just presenting the notion of your small business/side hustle or giving them a detailed description of what you do, everyone you introduce to the business model could be a potential customer!

Here’s some basic communication tips to keep in mind to better build the future of your reselling venture:

If you are introducing someone new to your reselling via in-person or text:

  • Make sure to tell them what you do.

How do you expect to “sell them” (in the loosest terms) on the idea of your business if you don’t teach them about it! Some people have never even heard of reselling as a form of income, so let them know what you’re all about, and all the benefits of your business!

For example: “I resell clothes because I had a lot of clothes in my closet I wasn’t using anymore. Now, I resell clothing as a full/part-time job because it benefits the environment and I really enjoy providing unique items to a wide range of customers!”

  • Redirect them to your shops or social media, and explain to them how it works!

By having a visual source to reference, you can explain how the buying/selling process works for you.

If you have a social media presence for your reselling business, which you should as it is a valuable marketing asset, you are able to explain how you get inventory and how your business falls through the cracks of e-commerce, but how also you are a reliable small operation.

Photo by Tracy Le Blanc from Pexels

I know the struggle of not wanting to put your business forward for the fear of rejection or failure, but let me tell you that those thoughts are completely and utterly false. Every person that I’ve put my business in-front of has been overly-supportive and super enthusiastic of the concept. Just do it, and kill those fears. ❤️

If you are dealing with a potentially new customer on your selling platform:

An actual conversation on a listing currently being sold on Poshmark.
  • Reach out to them, and make sure to offer help to them with whatever they need!⁣

Whether that means asking them if they have any questions or concerns, put the first-foot-forward and get them started on seriously considering your item for purchase, or maybe more than one item!

  • Make them feel cherished.

This can be as simple as saying “Thank you for browsing my shop!”⁣ or “Thanks for checking out my items, let me know if you have any follow-up questions.” Customer service like this is a great tool to have or learn!

  • Give them enough space, but also let them know that you are there for them during the buying process.⁣
  • If there is an offer or bundle on the table, and they haven’t communicated with you yet, send a message first!

Some don’t feel comfortable starting the conversation, so if you get the ball rolling, there’s a 50% chance it’ll lead to a sale!⁣ But don’t harass them. Just one simple message extending your help and/or a potential deal is enough to nudge the money out of their hand into your pocket!

If you are a reseller trying to connect with community members and/or potential customers on social media:

  • Be friendly!

Everyone else is doing the same thing as you, so try to stay positive and support each other.⁣ We all want to be something, why be a rude person when you can be an ally to help others grow!

  • Engage with others.

By doing this, you’ll become more acquainted with each other, and possibly become mutual reselling buddies!⁣ (Support is earned, not given. Share the love & respect for the craft)

  • Ask questions.

If there is someone you look up to, and you have questions about a certain topic, just send them a message! More often than not, they’ll be happy to help you out.⁣

  • Post quality content.

If you are posting great pictures of your inventory and providing insight on your business, more likely than not your reselling mutuals as well as potential buyers will see this and think higher of your business! It’s as easy as snapping a pic of an item you are selling/sold and writing a nice caption, that’s it!

Photo by Kampus Production from Pexels

Communication is vital for every aspect of life,

And for your small business it’s no different. Being able to communicate with both customers and resellers is such a great aspect of the job. Make connections, so that your reselling world gets bigger, and your community of supporters grows with you, thus bringing you the possibilities for more knowledge, and sales!

Also, a reminder:

Don’t be afraid to make the first move. You can’t start if you are the one holding yourself back.

Thank you so much for this opportunity to share some communication skills with you! The items listed above were the true kickstarter under my business, and I would not have as much success as I do if I did not learn these along the way. Please do connect with me on social media, below, so I can share the love and success with all of you!

Until next post, much love, many thanks, and good luck on your reselling journey thus far! -Kaitlyn ❤️

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