Life Updates: Reselling, College, Career, and Blah

Life Updates: Reselling, College, Career, and Blah

Well hello there exquisite creature, long-time, no post!

I know it’s been a handful of months since my last post, and honestly, it’s for good reason!

I’ve also began posting less to Facebook and Instagram, as not only have I been busy, but just overall disappointed at the functionality of it coinciding with my business. I digress…

I recently graduated college this spring, with a Bachelor of Arts Degree; Majoring in Media!

  • I graduated with over 9K other people,
  • I now have a piece of parchment that says I studied media and film stuff.

I also had the opportunity to resell at an in-person vendor fair over the summer, which was a wonderful experience!

  • I brought WAY too much stuff to try and sell,
  • I sold a lot of “smalls”, and a handful of other goodies,
  • For two-days of my time, sweat, and aggravation, I made the same amount I would have made in a month of onine-only reselling!

And finally: I moved back home and have began working for a small-market broadcast company!

  • Fresh-out-of-college broke, I’m living with my dad and my kitties. Helping out where & when I can.
  • I get to have a reselling room again, so I can keep things organized!
  • I started working 30-hours-a-week at my current job in October 2022. I love it!
  • I am truly adulting in the sense that I: “go to work, go home, and go to sleep” most days…

It’s been a crazy-but-impactful first few months as a truly-bonafide adult, and reselling and this blog has unfortunately been put on the top shelf for now…

That doesn’t mean that RMS isn’t “open” for business or anything; Only that I am focusing less on website and social media engagement, and more on getting my items out there and providing excellent customer service to all.

For now…

My plan is to keep the job I have now for at least a year. I’ve got debt just like everyone else, and actually spending my time going to a place I enjoy while being appreciated for my skills is a true plus. (Check out my “work” work here).

I am still reselling! I try my best to share my Poshmark closet daily. I also repost older items as frequently as I can. The websites that I resell on, (Poshmark, Mercari, eBay, and Depop), should be up-to-date on available items and discounts! I try to provide offers and discounts when I can, but I also cannot “give” items away.

I am also focusing more on second-hand items and pre-made items instead of making handmade goods like I was previously. The handmade goods I had invested in previously were more of a cost than a profit. But I’m glad I tried it and I’m content with where I am now. As all things are, it was a part of the bigger experience that is life!

I’ll be hoping to make more update posts as time goes on, but in a more meaningful way that also serves as a “check-in” system for myself. I am fed up with the demand of “content for the sake of content” type lifestyle, and I will not be advocating for it in my personal business. I will simply be doing what I want to do with it, and hopefully I’ll reach some kindred souls with that.

I am considering officially making Revive Me Shop an LLC as the new year rolls around. Not only will that allow me to branch out business options, but could also give some beneficial relief on the taxes that comes along with it! Plus, I could insure my assets and possibly do more selling in-person.

So yeah, that’s about it!

I’m staying out of trouble, still reselling, and helping out where I can while trying to become financially independant and what-not. A.K.A., trying my best!

I hope you’ve all been well and are enjoying the holiday season as 2022 comes to a close.

May 2023 bring nothing but joy and love.

Until next time, my loyal lovelies,

Much love & take care. – Kaitlyn ❤️