What is Reselling?

What is Reselling?

According to Google, the definition of resell is:

Resell is not a new or uncommon term, yet the idea of reselling as something that someone does regularly is still quite foreign. Think of it as a yard sale, but a yard sale that never ends!

Reselling has the same business model as many major companies of today, where you have the consumer with a want, and a supplier fulfilling a need by satisfying the consumer.

Reselling as an individual or a business is no small feat, and knowing what it’s all about is one of the most important things an eco-friendly, thrifty, cost-effective human can do. Whether buyer or seller, here’s the basics of what reselling is:

Reselling is…

  • A way for one party to rid themselves of items that no-longer suit them or their needs by finding a willing second-party to purchase those items from them for personal or other use.

or better yet:

  • An exchange of unnecessary goods for monetary gain.

To resell is to exchange goods for money, and that is the most simple definition that can be given. Whether you bought that yoga mat and never used it, Aunt Leanne gave you a sweater that you never wore, or you found an item laying around that could be “flipped” for money, it’s all reselling.

There are chains of retail stores, both online and brick-and-mortar, that perform high-end resale to everyday consumers. They buy items like clothing or old video game consoles, and then mark up the prices so that they can make their money back on it. Think about it, stores like GameStop, Thred-Up, or Style Encore, they all buy items from consumers to resell to other consumers!

It’s the same ordeal when someone decides they no-longer want that ugly coffee table the bought at a thrift-store five years ago, the one with no defects but doesn’t suit their style anymore. Simply advertize it on Facebook or Offer-Up in hopes that someone will want to fork-over some cash to get it out of your living room. Not a business model, but it’s still resale.

Now to get really confusing, I am going to convince you that there are actually two different types of resale to understand.

The original term of resell, as stated and described above, is the primary idea of what constitutes the process. But when I truly talk about Reselling as a Reseller, the term takes on a whole new agenda.

For me, to Resell is to make a profit on multiple items that are no-longer necessary to me, or that I find that others may want to use/purchase as they still function/operate at the intended capacity.

Reselling is a way of life for many people, myself included. We do not see piles of junk or an undesirable item, but instead see items as a way to make money while also getting rid of items that no-longer serve our needs!

It’s truly a win-win if you ask me…

Many humans use the skill of reselling to their advantage, and create a sustainable business model from it (again, myself included!). Reselling is a legitimate way to make an income, whether it’s a small or large amount is dependent on other factors.

A few years ago, I would not have believed that a human could make a living off reselling items, but now I am completely convinced!

Reselling is a way of life where you find the potential value in any item, and by putting yourself or your item out in the vast world of today, you can quickly make a few dollars.

Or as an eco-ally may say, “Reselling is another way to keep items in circulation until they are no-longer distinguishable from their original purpose.”

Reselling is something that any human can do. Some have been doing it all their lives, and most have been exposed to in within the span of life that we all have.

Although it may be something seen as taboo or cliché to be “thrifty”, or to “pinch-the-pennies” by buying used, it’s as commonplace as buying groceries at the grocery store.

Reselling and resale are as common as everyday life, and should be celebrated as such. To resell or purchase a used item, is stimulating the economy just as much as regular retail is.

Consider this: Dealerships can choose to only sell brand-new cars, yet they choose to also resell used cars…

I wonder…

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