Why Sending Out Offers to Potential Customers Frequently is the Key to More Sales

Why Sending Out Offers to Potential Customers Frequently is the Key to More Sales
Photo by energepic.com from Pexels

Not everyone wants to be the little nagging voice that tells people what to say, do, or buy…

But in this case, you want to be that nagging constant reminder to potential customers to buy your items!

It’s truly an unruly game, seeing who will fold first. But hey, isn’t that all business transactions?

Photo by energepic.com from Pexels

Why sending out offers to potential customers frequently will help boost sales:

Keeps the thought of your items “alive” for the customer.

When you send out an offer to “likers” or interested buyers, it brings the item back up on their notifications, and brings the desire to purchase back into their immediate thoughts.

It may seem tedious or annoying to mark down prices frequently, but it keeps the buyer aware of the status of the item they want, while also “weeding out” the uninterested with the annoyance of reoccurring notifications.

Photo by Cristian Dina from Pexels

It’ll “activate” potential buyers to ask questions or send offers.

Photo by Olenka Sergienko from Pexels

By just providing a simple “nudge” of interest on an item they have saved, it could prompt the customer to ask questions about size, quantity, condition, etc… that could lead to a possible sale.

More often than not, people ask questions because they are genuinely interested in what you are selling. Humor them! It could be the segway to a sale!

If they don’t like the price you’ve given, they may reply with something they are more comfortable with. This gives you something to work with! Take it as you need, and give them your best price. It may not be as high as what you were hoping for, but it’ll be out of your hair along with the stress of finding the right buyer.

How to get those offers out:

Make a schedule.

It’s honestly all about timing, so making a schedule of when you decide to mark down prices is super important to have!

Here’s two options that I use:

Have a regular time every few weeks to send out offers.

This gives buyers time to breath in-between paychecks, which can result in having bundle purchases.

Typically falling on the end of the work-week. (Thursday, Friday, Saturday.)


Send out every few days.

If you are constantly sharing or listing items, you’ll have a steady influx of interested buyers on your whole inventory.

Send out offers every few days to catch those “impulse buyers” sooner, so they don’t think about how much they truly “want” the item.

There is not one perfect method for every reseller…

You may have to try a combination of these methods in order to find which one works best for you.

I’ll be honest, neither of these work 100% of the time for me, so I switch my methods every now-and-then!

Photo by cottonbro from Pexels

Just like in life, there will be trial and error at every challenge you face.

It may seem tedious to send out lots of offers, but it’ll either get the buyers attention to buy quickly, or it’s your cue to relist the item. Simple as that.⁣

There is no “right-way” to hook-line-and sink your buyers, just giving them an opportunity to buy is all you can do! You don’t have to sink to the bottom dollar to make a sale, just hold true to your items, and when-in-doubt, RELIST as a last option. (Read all about “When to Relist” here).

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