List, or Relist, As Frequently As Possible If You’re a Reseller in 2022

List, or Relist, As Frequently As Possible If You’re a Reseller in 2022

It’s super important that you are using the algorithms in your favor, and constantly listing something whether it be new or something you’ve already listed! It not only keeps you busy, it also makes sure to keep your items on the “just in” sections on most selling websites.⁣

It may seem redundant, or that you may not have time to relist items. But honestly, if you have time to list new inventory, you have time to give the old inventory some attention too…

Photo by Alex Andrews from Pexels

Why Listing and Relisting is Important as a Reseller in 2022:

Just like the moon going through phases, your inventory should come full-rotation from old to new on the timeline of listing.

Keep your items “fresh” for new and existing customers to see on the “recently posted” area of the selling websites.

By relisting or posting new inventory daily, it brings your items and profile to the top of the new or fresh finds for each selling website.

Just like posting to Facebook or Instagram, your selling feed goes by “most recent” and downward. So, if you are consistently posting and keeping yourself and your items “up” in terms of staying on-top of everyone’s feeds, there is more of a chance to get more eyes on your items and potentially sell them in hours, and not in weeks or months.

It’s literally that simple. You want to stay relevant? Post regularly. You want to maintain a healthy amount of sales on your selling platforms? Post regularly.

Photo by Andrew Neel from Pexels

By relisting, you get rid of stale likes or watchers that never responded to price drops or offers.⁣ Trim the weeds, if they never flowered in the past and you’re down to your bottom dollar, it’s time to move on.

Relisting allows you to see what hasn’t sold or get rid of any sold items you may have missed.⁣ Stale is stale, if you had a bag of chips from two years ago sitting open in your cabinet, you probably wouldn’t hesitate to toss them out. Do yourself the simple favor of deleting old listings and relisting them along with your new pieces.

Some quick tips to get you started:

Make it consistent. I do five listings every business day, just enough so that I get stuff done and I don’t feel overwhelmed! Start with two a day, and see if you can make it a habit that integrates into your work schedule. Do some extras every-now-and-again is also fine. Just make sure you are posting something every day!

When I get done listing my new items, I just pick off where I left off when relisting old items. Most people probably have a spreadsheet stating when they first listed the item, but I just go by my oldest items posted to Mercari, as the timeline doesn’t change there. So, I select a handful of the oldest items, get them copied to a cross-listing service, like List Perfectly or Prime Lister, and then I delete all of the original posts from each website that they are on.

Check for individual website relisting tools. Some selling websites, like Poshmark, offers a relisting tool on the website, but not all of them do! So, make sure to check what steps you have to take if you are planning on manually relisting inventory items!

Relisting older items may seem like a lot of extra work, but it will help your business out tremendously! You are your hardest worker, but make this task easier for your future-self, and your bank account.

When I started relisting my items I thought it was a waste of time, until those items that were sitting for months sold within days…⁣ So, my final plea to you would be, “just give it a try”.

Thank you so much for reading this blog post! If you have any additional information or tips on listing new and relisting old inventory, please do comment them below for all to learn from! 💕

Until next time, much love and take care from yours-truly. – Kaitlyn ❤️

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